ZO fashion is born from the creative universe of its creator, Zhanna Dymchenko. A universe that unfolds far beyond fashion itself, formed by other disciplines such as abstract painting, performance or electronic music. Disciplines that in turn also shape and nourish Zhannaona designs.
From this artistic fusion, Zhanna's proposal arises, in the form of performances, starting from a space and a concept. With this idea, he intervened in the Keigio Design space, known for its modular furniture designs.
For this occasion, Zhanna chose to create a dialogue between Keigio's modular pieces and her own designs, choosing a strapless dress and a large skirt. The link between the two worlds was the artist herself, who through this show wanted to illustrate how when we pursue a purpose, we explode beyond the boxes in which society frames us.
In this performance the artist makes her experience visible: how complicated her path is, as well as inspiring. It represents it through the journey that is traveled between the birth of an idea and its realization, representing how it itself, the protagonist of its own, reaches revelation at the moment of the result.
It uses religious imagery, creating an image similar to that of a Saint when she reaches a moment of revelation: passing through a path of thorns to reach a wonderful outcome. There comes a moment when he covers his face with the mask to represent the cancellation of his personality, implying that we can all experience a similar experience.
In the final position he is on tiptoe. It symbolizes the arrival of glory, but not absent of pain and suffering.